The Home Retention Advocates is a consortium of attorneys and law firms throughout the United States that are uniquely qualified and specialize in loss mitigation and foreclosure defense matters. These attorneys have successfully represented homeowners who are seeking lender and financial relief with a loan modification and/or foreclosure defense work.
You are not alone! Thousands of homeowners are confronted with personal and financial hardships that are
having an adverse impact on their ability to pay their mortgage. Financial relief is just a phone call away...
The team of Home Retention Advocates determine which relief programs you may be eligible to apply for consistent with the guidelines and underwriting criteria required by your lender and government related mortgages (i.e. FHA, Fannie Mae).
Contact us now for a free no obligation phone consultation. Let our experts at the Home Retention Advocates help you figure out your roadmap to mortgage relief.
The sooner you have a plan of action, the better your chances of reducing your monthly mortgage payment, stopping foreclosure and saving your home.